Monday, May 22, 2006


I never use bookmarks.

Well, in the sense of using the kind of bookmarks sold at bookstores. Instead I tend to use whatever is handy: A receipt, a piece of paper from earplug packaging.

I wonder how many seriously addicted book lovers/readers like myself actually use "real" (i.e. commercially produced) bookmarks. My guess is that "real" bookmarks are used by people who want to look good rather than those who actually devour books at rates of several a month.


Stephen said...

I find it hard to keep track of them, but my six year old loved them when she was five ...

annegb said...

I dog ear my books and write in them. My neighbor, a teacher, is mortified by my sacrilege. I think its love of my books. I treat them as family.

Friar Tuck said...

I like to use them...but generally only when I get them free from somewhere.